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Arduino LilyPad USB

The LilyPad Arduino is a microcontroller board designed for wearables and e-textiles. It can be sewn to fabric and similarly mounted power supplies, sensors and actuators with conductive thread. The board is based on the ATmega32U4. Board comes fully assembled and tested with ATMega168V pre-loaded with bootloader.
Features of Ardiuno Lilypad: 
Operating Voltage3.3V
Input Voltage (recommended)3.8V
Input Voltage (limit)5V
Digital I/O Pins9
PWM Digital I/O Pins4
Analog Input Pins4
DC Current per I/O Pin40 mA
Flash Memory32 KB (ATmega32u4) of which 4 KB used by bootloader
SRAM2.5 KB (ATmega32u4)
EEPROM1 KB (ATmega32u4)
Clock Speed8 MHz
Radius18 mm

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